Rider at snowy bus stop

Be prepared for snow

When snow is in the forecast, we monitor the National Weather Service and check road conditions to determine when snow service should be activated.

We encourage you to review and bookmark the links below to help you prepare to use transit in the snow.

Snow schedules and routes

  • During snow events, we do not operate all trips. We've identified trips we will not operate when it snows. Please refer to the Snow Schedules below.
  • When a bus is on Snow Route, check Find My Bus to see which areas are not being served and which stops may be closed.
  • Our Snow Route maps show the entire route; please note that some or all parts of a Snow Route may be served, depending on road and weather conditions.
  • Find My Bus, Plan My Trip, and third-party apps (Google Transit, TransitApp) may not reflect current service operations during snow events.
  • For information on how to prepare to ride the bus in the snow, visit our Snow Service page.

Where to find snow service updates

Snow Schedules