News / Published on Mar 23, 2021

Community Transit Stands with AAPI Community

Dear Community Transit Colleagues and Community,

We are deeply saddened in the wake of recent senseless acts of violence and attacks against Asian, Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities. Last week, six Asian women were murdered in Atlanta, and there are reports of attacks in the Puget Sound region against members of various AAPI communities. During the pandemic, violence against those who identify as AAPI has increased. According to a report by Stop AAPI Hate, a nonprofit that tracks incidents of hate and discrimination against AAPI communities in the United States, 3,795 reports of hate incidents were received from March 19, 2020 to February 28, 2021, an almost 50% increase compared to the previous year.

We understand that many feel grief and sadness for the loss of life and fear for loved ones and others belonging to the AAPI community. Please know that we are also feeling grief and sadness. We stand with you and we recognize that thoughts and acknowledgements are not enough. We all must commit to our shared value of Mutual Respect and stay vigilant as a community to care for one another and work together to stop hate against AAPI community members. If you see something, please say something and report it. We cannot stand by silently while people in our community are attacked and abused.

For all of our employees, please remember that we have Employee Engagement staff ready to listen and an Employee Assistance Program that provides trauma support for all our employees and dependents. Please reach out.

To AAPI employees, customers and community members and their allies, we are committed to increasing our knowledge of diversity, equity and inclusion to learn how we can be a better employer, service provider, community partner and ally. As we are learning, we want to remind you that we are always listening as well.

In solidarity,


Ric Ilgenfritz
Chief Executive Officer

Photo courtesy of Edmonds Beacon