News / Published on Sep 27, 2022

Ridership climbs to 20k weekday boardings

Number of weekly riders have doubled compared to start of pandemic

Last week, Community Transit’s average weekday ridership was above 20,000 boardings, the highest number since the start of the pandemic and double the ridership of late March 2020.

Ridership on CT buses has been rising slowly, but steadily for the past year. Over the past several months it seems to have picked up.

From Sept. 18 – 24, ridership grew by roughly 1,200 weekday boardings, helping to reach the 20k milestone (up 51% since 2020).

Avg Daily Boardings for Community Transit as of August 2022

Changes in work habits are one reason for a slow return of transit ridership as many office workers have options to work from home full-time or part-time.

Ridership data suggests that people are getting out more and are willing to add transit back to their routine. Some reasons for the recent spurt in ridership are the start of school, people returning to work, and feeling more comfortable with pre-pandemic habits.

Plus, on Sept. 1 Community Transit made it possible for youth 18 and under to ride the bus for free.

Whatever the reason, welcome back!

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News / Published on Sep 27, 2022

Ridership climbs to 20k weekday boardings

Number of weekly riders have doubled compared to start of pandemic

Last week, Community Transit’s average weekday ridership was above 20,000 boardings, the highest number since the start of the pandemic and double the ridership of late March 2020.

Ridership on CT buses has been rising slowly, but steadily for the past year. Over the past several months it seems to have picked up.

From Sept. 18 – 24, ridership grew by roughly 1,200 weekday boardings, helping to reach the 20k milestone (up 51% since 2020).

Avg Daily Boardings for Community Transit as of August 2022

Changes in work habits are one reason for a slow return of transit ridership as many office workers have options to work from home full-time or part-time.

Ridership data suggests that people are getting out more and are willing to add transit back to their routine. Some reasons for the recent spurt in ridership are the start of school, people returning to work, and feeling more comfortable with pre-pandemic habits.

Plus, on Sept. 1 Community Transit made it possible for youth 18 and under to ride the bus for free.

Whatever the reason, welcome back!

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For background information, interviews or photos about Community Transit, please contact our on-duty Public Information Officer at (425) 521-6156.