Based on a labor/management agreement, new employees starting after January 6, 2025 will have a lower seniority date than specific contracted employees who will be starting work with Community Transit later in 2025 and 2026.
Your career isn’t just a job. Your career can determine the healthcare you receive, the time off you take, how you spend your days, and your future opportunities. Learn about the busload of benefits you can earn as a Community Transit bus driver — no professional driving experience required!
You can also explore other positions we are currently hiring for. View all job listings
Apply today and get on the road to enjoying a busload of benefits.
New bus drivers can earn a $5,000 sign-on bonus!
Earn $30.50/hour during training and then $33.54/hour as a new driver.
No experience required! Get paid plus benefits while you earn your CDL and learn everything you need to know during our 10-week training.
Medical, dental and vision insurance for as low as $121/month for the whole family!
We bring self-care to you with onsite physical therapy, fitness centers and classes.
Enjoy 35 days of paid time off, holidays, and accrued leave in your first year.
Our employee pension provides a guaranteed retirement income you can count on.
You don’t have to choose between work and school with part-time options and tuition reimbursement.
Get resources and help finding counseling services, financial and legal assistance, elder care, child care, and more.
Enjoy a free ORCA card and cash incentives for certain commute options.
Enjoy your independence while you serve your community.
Health savings account? Check. Uniform allowance? Check. Company-paid life & disability insurance? Check. Explore our busload of benefits in our employee benefits guide.
Apply today and get on the road to enjoying a busload of benefits.